Today we going to create two Ansible roles first is for configuring Httpd WebServer and the second is for configuring HAProxy LB. by these two roles we solving challenges for host ip’s addition dynamically over each Managed Node in HAProxy.cfg file.

for this first, we create a role named myapache using the command “ansible-galaxy init myapache” and then we create another role named myloadbalancer

then in myapache/tasks/main.yml file we write this code

in myapache/files/ folder we create a index.php file.

then in the myloadbalancer/tasks/main.yml file, we write this code

in myloadbalancer/templates folder we past “haproxy.cfg.j2” file with some modification. here at the end of file, we change

create a file setup.yml in this file we write this code

then we run this playbook using the command “ansible-playbook setup.yml” output is

